Tuesday, October 11, 2011

its that time of year!

We all that or moments around the Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas time of year, and don't get me started on our new year resolutions to "lose that 30 pounds we put on over the last 3 months". It never seems to work. Then it starts all over again, we get mad at ourselves for not losing that weight, and holidays come round again and we are right back were we started!

Believe me I've been there! I am there! so I figured why not make little changes to my recipes that can make them just a little healthier? I know your looking at your computer screen and going "Stacy what on earth are you talking about?" but here's the thing if you are a loyal reader, well then you know I love shearing Sweets with you guys! I love seeing what you make and knowing that it works out for you! But who wouldn't want the Same DELICIOUS taste that I have always brought you... but with a healthier kick?

I recently found a Bag of all wheat flour... 25 lbs. for 10 bucks! If you have ever looked into Wheat flour...or wheat ANYTHING you know that it can be pricy! so I snatched up the deal!(you have to love bulk store discount sections!) now do know that you can use regular flour on my Recipes or even half All purpose and half wheat. You can also make things a little Creamier and HEALTHIER by substituting Milk of any kind with Fat Free Greek Yogurt! I will tell you I am not a fan or Greek Plain Yogurt! So I found another way around that. I still use the milk that my recipes call for but if it calls for Whole I use 2% or skim.it works the same... and the same with buttermilk... which can be VERY fattening!

Another fat dodge I use is if something calls for Oil. I use Apple Sauce and you can use Sugar Free! no added sugar!

so keep those changes in mind the next time you want to bake! ;)

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